Why should I start mentoring in games?
Helping others feels good.
It can offer you a lot of growth; deep, interesting discussions with other game professionals tend to make you think, too. Strengthening your networks is a great bonus you get when mentoring in games. Maybe you’ll meet a future collaboration partner, teammate, or friend.
On a larger scale, we believe that sharing knowledge and supporting new talent is the best thing you can do for the Finnish game industry.
We have an exceptional community. Let’s keep it that way.

How can I help?
Mentoring through LGIN is support for current and soon-to-be company founders and teams. There is a need for the whole spectrum of professionals from the industry; founders need to think about everything from art and code to business, marketing, and legal matters. We offer many types of support for our teams.
If you’d like to have a deep, long-term mentoring relationship with one specific team or founder, we can match you with a suitable one based on your expertise and preferences. Being on our list of ad-hoc mentors and/or present on our channels is also valuable for the teams. Some of our mentors enjoy occasionally giving a talk, a Q&A session, or a workshop. These can be open for everyone or invite-only. It’s up to you, and we are happy to help you choose.
If you have questions or would like to join, please drop us an email: suvi@lgin.fi!
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